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Media Pack

Cigette Vapor Magazine Media Pack

Welcome to the Cigette Vapor Magazine Media Pack! This comprehensive guide provides you with all the information you need to understand our audience, advertising options, and pricing to make informed decisions about promoting your brand through our platform.

About Cigette Vapor Magazine:

Cigette Vapor Magazine is a leading online publication dedicated to the world of vaping. We cater to a passionate community of vaping enthusiasts, from beginners to experienced vapers, who rely on us for the latest industry news, product reviews, expert advice, and engaging content. With our high-quality articles, in-depth features, and vibrant community, we offer a unique platform to connect with individuals who are actively engaged in the vaping lifestyle.


Our audience consists of individuals who are passionate about vaping, seeking information, and looking to enhance their vaping experience. Here’s a snapshot of our audience demographics:

Age: Primarily between 25 and 45 years old.

Gender: Predominantly male, but with a growing female vaper presence.

Geographical Location: Our readership is global, with a strong presence in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

Interests: Vaping, e-liquids, vaping devices, mods, accessories, vape tricks, product reviews, vaping industry news, health and safety information, and community engagement.

Advertising Options:

We offer a range of advertising options to suit your marketing goals and budget. Here are the main options available:

Banner Ads: Place your brand in the spotlight with strategically positioned banner ads on our website. We offer various sizes and formats to maximize visibility and engagement.

Sponsored Articles: Increase brand awareness and generate leads through sponsored articles. Our team of experienced writers will craft engaging content that seamlessly integrates your brand message and resonates with our readers.

Product Reviews: Showcase your vaping products with in-depth and unbiased reviews by our expert team. Gain credibility and consumer trust by having your products featured in our highly regarded reviews.

Dedicated Email Newsletters: Reach our subscribers directly through dedicated email newsletters. Deliver your message to our engaged audience with customized content that drives conversions.


Our pricing is tailored to meet the specific needs of your advertising campaign. Factors such as ad placement, duration, and level of customization influence the pricing structure. Please contact our advertising team at [insert contact information] to request our detailed pricing guide and discuss your specific requirements.

Contact Us:

To explore advertising opportunities and receive our media kit, please reach out to our advertising team at [insert contact information]. We are excited to work with you and help you maximize your brand’s visibility and impact within the vaping community.

Thank you for considering Cigette Vapor Magazine as your advertising partner. We look forward to collaborating with you and creating successful campaigns that resonate with our passionate audience.

The Cigette Vapor Magazine Advertising Team